About Healing
Nokishita Toshokan B&Bのヒーリングについて
The process of becoming sound again
Nokishita Toshokan B&Bにお越し頂いた皆様に、簡単で時間を取らず、しかも効果大のヒーリングツールをシェアしたいと思います。お帰りになってからも日常生活に少しずつ取り入れて頂けたらと思います。普段無意識に行う呼吸と私たちの身体はかけがえのない宝物です。少しでも呼吸に意識を向けつつ、身体をストレッチし、無理のない負荷を与えることで、自律神経が整えられます。そして身体の痛み、ストレスが軽減され、心が落ち着き、気分が晴れます。これからお伝えすることは、日常のアクティビティーと同時に行えます。例えば、お料理しながら、シャワーを浴びながら、運転しながら、パソコンで仕事をしながら、、、心身ともに元気になり、より喜びが溢れる毎日を送りませんか?
Our approach at Nokishita Toshokan B&B is a compassionate, organic and non-exclusive process. It helps to balance and integrate mind, body and spirit, to enhance energy flow and stimulate the body’s own natural healing processes.
We would like to share the following quick, simple micro-practices, which we hope you can integrate into your daily life.
Interweaving these brief practices into the day can be transformative, turning ordinary activities into sacred rituals and bringing awareness to the precious gifts of body and breath. Over time, you could experience major effects--relieving pain and stress, calming your mind, and lifting your spirits. And because they’re so easy and quick, you can fit them into activities you’re already doing, such as showering, cooking, driving, or surfing the Internet, to help cultivate ease, joy, and well-being.
1. Bringing attention to our breathing which can help us stay connected to ourselves which is the single most important thing that you do every day.
2. Being around nature allows our mind to soften and your heart to open and help us gain clarity about things you're working through each day.
Relaxing awakens the healing wisdom that lives within your body.
3. Offering a space a great way to meet new, interesting and like-minded people, human connections that can help you move beyond a negative inner-dialogue.
4. Creating events to explore different healing tools allowing you to find the best 'fit' for you to better cope with stressful events and trauma.
5. Bringing our awareness to the tension being held in your body, so that we can let it go.
6. Stepping off of your daily routine can help you to discover what makes you really happy.
7. Creating a regular yoga practice can bring more flexibility and strength to your body.
8. Supporting you to consciously make better and healthier food choices.
9. Creativity opens you up to new feelings like inspiration, joy and gratitude. Art heals by helping you to reconnect with your inner-knowing, your heart and your dreams.
New!Healing Menu
Nokishita Toshokan B&Bでは、より深い癒しの体験メニュー各種もご用意しております。お気軽にお問い
To deepen your healing experience, we offer yoga, Thai massage, reiki, reflexology, meditation, sound healing and Ayurveda message.
「豊かな人生クリエイター 〜今ここ〜」の中村志乃先生が担当してくださいます。